Spring Clean-up

Spring Clean-up

Early May brought out a good number of volunteers from the Club to tackle the clean-up of the Cove Garden. In addition to the usual weeding and general tidying, this year’s volunteers were able to add a great quantity of compost to the flower beds. The Club is very grateful to the Louisiana-Pacific Canada Ltd. plant in East Chester for its donation of the compost.

The truckload of compost was off-loaded by two employees of the plant. Members and friends of the Club posed with Phil Ellwood, manager of the plant, after thanking him for his help in procuring the valuable material.

Before starting to work, members compared notes on their own gardens and then split up into teams choosing to focus on weeding, or edging or spreading compost. The rose bed bordering the road leading to the front harbour received a good share of the rich compost.

The next opportunity for members to volunteer their time in beautifying the village will be the annual spring clean-up of the Parade Square garden, near the bandstand. On Monday, May 10th, all members and friends of the Club are invited to present themselves with trowels, pruners and shovels to deal with weeds and apply a healthy layer of mulch to the shrub and flower beds .

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